
New Year’s Goals: Speed Up a Personal Injury Case by Hiring a Lawyer

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A personal injury case takes time and often involves a lot of stress, emotions, and patience. Maybe, you are even still battling your injury and trying to recover at the same time. It’s understandable that you don’t want to spend any more time than is necessary on your case. So, what are some ways that you can speed up the process? While you can’t completely control how fast your case moves, there are some things that you can do on your end to move things along. Hiring a lawyer is certainly at the top of that list!

Achieve New Year’s Goals with Help!

If this New Year’s you are renewing or beginning with the goal of working hard to speed things up on your personal injury case, it might be time to really consider hiring an attorney. A personal injury attorney specializes in all kinds of injuries that have taken place because of the action of others. The following are ways that an attorney can help accelerate the progression and ultimately the conclusion of your personal injury case.

  1. Take Work off Your Plate

There is so much to juggle during a personal injury case, or any legal claim for that matter. The paperwork, record keeping, emails, phone calls, meetings, and more can really take a toll when you’re trying to accomplish it all on your own. Hiring an attorney can change your day-to-day life in significant ways!

Besides making life easier for you, your attorney can focus on your case with skilled eyes and a plan to get things done. When you have an experienced team working for you, things are sure to move along!

  1. Avoid Mistakes

The legal system is easy to get lost in, and mistakes can happen quickly when trying to handle things on your own. A personal injury attorney is experienced with the legal system, and they know what’s expected as well as the problems that can arise. Things like filing paperwork right the first time and avoiding requests for corrections can save quite a bit of time.

  1. Gain Professional, Skilled Assistance

Your personal injury attorney has the skills, knowledge, and experience necessary to handle your claim in the best way possible. Be sure that your attorney specializes in personal injury before you hire them to ensure your case has the desired outcome.

  1. Build your Case and Negotiate with Insurance

One of the biggest supports that your attorney will provide is the skills they will give you in building your case and negotiating with the insurance company. They are trained to do these two things and know how to do them well.

Knowing what settlement offers or compensation is fair can also help you make informed decisions as well as protect you from making choices that would risk you getting the compensation you deserve.

Ways You Can Help

Even if you have an attorney, you can do things to help your lawyer speed your case up. These may include:

  1. Gather Paperwork and Documentation for Your Case

Gathering necessary information that will be vital for your case can help you and your attorney stay organized and ready to submit the documentation needed. Evidence and other reports and documents that you will need may include:

  • Written facts and summary of events – Your personal summary of events will help “paint the scene” from your perspective.
  • Police report – Have the police report in hand so that your lawyer can get a quick image of what happened. Then, during an initial consultation with your attorney, they will be able to give you a more accurate idea about what you can expect from your case too.
  • Photos and videos – A picture is worth a thousand words, right? Pictures and videos can show what a written document can’t. They may be more critical to your case than you would think.
  • Statements from witnesses – Accounts from witnesses can greatly support your case. Don’t forget to include these!
  • Medical records – Be sure to not only gather the medical records from your initial visit to the Emergency Room, Urgent Care, etc. but all the documents from appointments that follow.
  • Medical bills – You will need to keep meticulous records of the medical bills incurred due to your injury. You’ll want everything covered in your case, and missing a few bills here and there can mislead the opposing team. It will be confusing not only what bills you need to be covered but also what your actual needs are in the way of current and future medical treatments.
  • Record of missed work – Summing up the amount of work that you’ve missed, including dates, will make it easy to include as part of your case.

If needed, your personal injury attorney can help you gather information, but compiling some of these things on your own can help speed up your case.

  1. Continue Any Needed Medical Treatment

Follow any instructions and recommended treatment your doctor gives you. Even though you may be inclined to wait and see what happens with your case, showing that you truly need repeated treatment and are receiving that care can actually help your case. It can also help get you more money to cover the treatment you need.

Be sure to never under (or over) exaggerate your injury or condition. Keep your lawyer (and records) up to date with all the care you continue to receive. Update all documents to show current treatments.

Hire a Trusted Legal Team

Hiring an attorney to speed up your personal injury case is one of the best decisions you can make for several reasons. Gainsburgh, Benjamin, David, Meunier & Warshauer, L.L.C. have vast experience as attorneys that can not only move your case along but are there to advise you if speeding things up is really in your best interest. Don’t wait another minute to hire a trusted, hardworking legal team for your case. Call (504) 522-2304 for more information.

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