
What to Do If You Experience Adverse Side Effects from a Prescription Drug

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We all know that the medications we take often bring some kind of side effects. These side effects may be small and easily dealt with, but sometimes the side effects are quite severe and can badly harm your body in ways that you never knew were possible. Adverse side effects from prescription drugs are no joke. The suffering you undergo can last far beyond when you take the medication, leaving you wishing you never sought help from your doctor.

If you are someone that has been negatively affected by the use of a prescription drug, you may be able to see compensation for what you have experienced. Here’s what you need to know…

Adverse Side Effects Explained

When someone has an adverse drug event, it means they have been harmed by a medication they have taken. Older adults are twice as likely as younger people to visit emergency rooms because of adverse side effects from prescription drugs. In fact, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimate that those 65 years and older visit the ER almost 450,000 times each year because of these adverse side effects.

While there are all kinds of undesirable reactions to medications possible, some of the most common are:

Physical Problems- Headaches, throwing up, passing out, joint pain and inflammation, making it hard to move around. These are all types of physical issues that can arise and stay around after taking certain medications.

Organ Damage- Much more serious than a simple headache, damage to organs like the heart, liver, and more can be life-altering and may be justification for a lawsuit.

Increased Health Risks- Sometimes, taking medication can increase the chances of a dangerous health event like a heart attack or stroke. These added health and life risks can also be grounds for a potential lawsuit.

Death- If taking a certain drug (or a combination of drugs) has caused a loved one to pass away, the attorney team of Gainsburgh, Benjamin, David, Meunier & Warshauer, L.L.C. can help you seek compensation for the gross injustice that has been done.

Did You Know About the Medication’s Side Effects?

Were you informed, educated, or warned about the possible side effects when the doctor prescribed your medication? Suppose you were, and you determined that the benefits outweighed the risks and chose to take the drugs. In that case, you may be unable to file a lawsuit because you were told about the potential risks associated with the medication and decided to move forward.

There are instances where you may have been given a drug in the hospital accidentally or were accidentally given the wrong dosage with no warning about the side effects that could take place. This kind of situation could absolutely warrant a lawsuit.

There are all kinds of circumstances patients find themselves in without even knowing how it happened or who should be held accountable. This is where an attorney can investigate any medical records, interview hospital staff, etc. Our legal team will look into the drugs you took or were given, how it was given, and possible side effects that could have resulted from them, including drug allergies, dosage, and more. No matter the situation, the attorneys at Gainsburgh, Benjamin, David, Meunier & Warshauer, L.L.C. have your back

Reducing the Risk of Damage or Harm from Medication Side Effects

While it may often feel like you have tried to do everything correctly and as safely as possible, you may still be a victim of defective medications or dangerous side effects. However, there are a few things that you can do that are extremely important to reduce your risk of harm while taking drugs that have been prescribed to you. These include:

  • Reading and re-reading the directions given to you by your doctor and pharmacy.
  • Asking ANY questions you have about your medication by contacting your doctor or pharmacist.
  • Only taking medications as directed. Do not increase or decrease your dosage on your own.
  • Keeping up with blood testing that your doctor orders to monitor the effects of your medication.
  • Maintaining a current list of medications you keep with you and showing your pharmacist before starting a new prescription.

Do your part to keep yourself safe when you take a new prescription medication. The moment you notice any adverse side effects, stop taking the prescription.

Who Could Be Held Liable in Your Lawsuit?

Although you may not realize it, many people and companies are involved in the medication you have or are taking. These same groups could be held liable for harm done to you or your loved ones. Depending on the medication defect or adverse side effects and complications you have experienced, the following could be held liable:

  • Pharmaceutical company and manufacturer
  • Laboratories
  • Sales Representatives
  • Medical Facilities (Hospitals, Clinics)
  • Physicians
  • Companies that market the medications

It can be difficult for the average person to know who should be held liable in their situation. Still, an experienced attorney will be able to determine exactly who should be held accountable for the issues arising from you or a loved one taking their medication.

How to Know if You Have a Case

The thought of a lawsuit can be intimidating, especially when it may involve a large pharmaceutical company or healthcare facility. You may not know if you even have a case that could result in successful compensation. This is where the law firm of Gainsburgh, Benjamin, David, Meunier & Warshauer, L.L.C. steps in and takes care of all the details.

Our attorney team will establish things like your injury itself, that the drug you were taking was defective, that there were not proper warnings provided about possible adverse side effects, and more. We will help you obtain the compensation you deserve for your injuries.

Give Gainsburgh, Benjamin, David, Meunier & Warshauer, L.L.C. a call today at (504) 522-2304

to schedule your free consultation and find out if your prescription drug and adverse side effects case should be pursued.

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