Slip and fall accidents for elderly adults can often be severe and lead to even more serious outcomes. Unfortunately, they happen all too often. Many times, no one finds out that their loved one has fallen until an injury has occurred.
Most seniors want to remain living at home as they have always done, living independently and doing as they wish with all their own things surrounding them. But the lasting effects of a slip and fall accident can make it no longer possible. This is often the reason a senior is forced out of their home for good. It can be heart-wrenching and a hard decision for the family to make, but the safety of their loved one is a priority.
Unfortunately, falls are pretty common, and once an elderly adult has fallen, their chances of falling again doubles. Emergency rooms across the country treat millions of older adults each year and the injuries they have incurred from falls. The CDC estimates at least 300,000 elderly are hospitalized every year for hip fractures alone. Most of them usually occur from falling sideways.
It’s costing us a lot too! Accidental slips and falls are said to have cost $50 billion in the year 2015, with Medicare and Medicaid paying the bulk of the costs. Not something that we can keep up with. This is why falls are always such a big concern in hospitals and nursing homes. If a healthcare facility has too many falls, Medicare can shut them down.
A seemingly small slip or fall can be a major concern for an elderly adult. After all, they don’t bounce back as they used to in their youth. These slips and falls happen at home, the grocery store, a restaurant, or even a doctor’s office. You never know when they will happen or if help will be available. Some of the most common causes of slips and falls include:
Increased record-keeping and reporting have resulted in our added knowledge of the most common conditions that contribute to falls.
The truth is most falls occur because of more than one risk factor. The more risks someone has, the higher their chances of falling are. Elderly adults that work with their healthcare provider can help minimize the potential risk factors associated with falls and can help protect themselves and others like them everywhere.
Of course, not all falls result in an injury. But often, they do. At the least, it can interfere with the confidence that older adults once felt in themselves and their abilities. If an injury does occur, the physical damage can make it tough to get around and do what is required to continue living on their own. Some of the lasting effects after a slip and fall may consist of the following:
Falls can be prevented. With assistance from doctors, loved ones, and the seniors themselves, it is possible to remove many of the causes and conditions related to falls. Some of the things that can be done to reduce fall risks include:
Slip and fall accidents can be serious, and proper safety precautions should be taken on people’s property, especially in public areas. If property owners are negligent in maintaining their property correctly and hazards to others exist, they should be held responsible.
The attorneys at Gainsburgh, Benjamin, David, Meunier & Warshauer, L.L.C. will help support seniors by doing just that. Getting the senior affected the compensation required to pay all bills is the goal. The burden of current and possible future medical expenses, lost wages, as well as pain and suffering they’ve gone through is unfortunate, all caused by negligence. Slip and fall accidents are dangerous, and extra care needs to be taken, especially with the elderly. Call (504) 522-2304 to learn more about the services we provide and how we can help your senior with their injury claim.